A Manual on Work and Happiness
Communication Identity
A Manual on Work and Happiness is an international collaborative project coordinated by Artemrede, with Pergine Spettacolo Aperto (Italy), L’arboreto (Italy) and the Municipal and Regional Theatre of Patras (Greece) as partners, under the artistic direction of mala voadora and in collaboration with catalan playwriter Pablo Gisbert.
A Manual on Work and Happiness is a project that puts people at the centre of the artistic creation, giving them the power and the capacity to co-create, to question and to transform the artistic process. All the project components – the International Seminar, the Instruction Manual, the Artistic Residencies with the communities, or even the online platform and the Southern Coalition – have been designed to include and enhance their outreach, and the possibility of direct participation of people.
How to communicate a project which includes so many different activities and so many different targets?
The communication strategy is anchored in two pillars:
Both pillars are complementary.
1st Pillar
Is distinctively digital and with audio-visual scope attached to it. It exclusively focuses on the online platform, which is a central and transversal tool in the communication strategy of the project. Strong digital content, designed to meet the European Commission’s digital-oriented agenda
The platform has a large target. It includes: those who will directly/physically be part of the activities and those who will just contribute virtually to it.
The concept is based on the idea of a classic manual, like an IKEA manual, with clear instructions. ‘Black and white’, very straightforward, with illustrations and texts. This concept is to be replicated in the aesthetics of the platform but above all – and beyond the aesthetic issue – the platform needs to fulfill the objectives of the project and to give an answer to the needs of the user by being easy to access.
2nd Pillar
This pillar has a more conventional approach to communication, combining printed and digital communication. The aesthetic comes from the online version on the 1st Pilar. It covers the other four components of the project: the Southern Coalition (and its four workshops), the International Seminar, the Instruction Manual (its writing process and public reading) and the four artistic residences with local communities in the three participating countries and their respective performances.